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Business Name & Address

Change Business Address 
Click on Options in the main screen, then click the Dockets tab in the Options screen. Enter your address in the 6 lines provided.

Registered users may add a logo above their business name on the printed docket. Create an image file of your logo, maximum size 165 x 40mm when printed on A4 paper, the file name must be LOGO and the format may be either bmp or jpeg. To make the logo active, drag the logo file (either Logo.jpg or Logo.bmp) on to the main EstLite screen. Alternatively, you can manually place it in the Est folder (Normally C:\Program Files\Est\,  If EstLite server is version 7.69 or earlier, and on a Vista or newer machine the Path will be to Public > Public Documents > Est, however if EstLite server is version 7.70 or later, and running on Vista or later, the Path will be C:\ProgramData\Est ). If your logo includes your business name, you may choose not to have the business name repeated as part of your address on the printed docket. You can do this by clicking on Hide Business Name checkbox in the Dockets tab in the Options screen. (Only available in a registered program.)

Change Business Name
When you buy any computer software, you do not 'purchase' the actual program but rather a license to use that program. EstLite's license is restricted to a single business name and this is fixed at the time of registration. However it is possible to purchase more than one license and subsequently register further business names. 

Most software vendors go even further with their restrictions, in that their program may only be run on a single computer (unless a further payment is made). EstLite places no such constraint on its users.